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加拿大希尔克学院 Selkirk College 幼教证书课程

加拿大希尔克学院 Selkirk College 幼教证书课程

Feel at home in our classrooms and communities, nestled within the welcoming West Kootenay and Boundary regions. Since 1966, Selkirk College has been providing innovative and unique learning opportunities. 75 per cent of all job openings in 2025 will require post-secondary education & training. (BC Labor Market Outlook) 57 per cent of students complete their credential in the same region in which they graduated from high school (BCCAT 2017-2018 Annual Review)

76 per cent of students say that Selkirk College was their first choice. (Selkirk College Student Engagement Survey 2018)

在我们的教室和社区里感觉自在,在欢迎的西库特奈和边界地区。自1966以来,希尔克学院一直在提供创新和独特的学习机会。在2025的所有职位空缺中,有75%将需要中专教育和培训。(BC劳动力市场展望)57%的学生在高中毕业的同一地区完成他们的证书(BCCAT 2017~2018年回顾)76%的学生说希尔克学院是他们的首选。(希尔克学院学生参与调查2018)


年满 17 周岁 高中毕业

英语语言要求:正常雅思:学术类 6.5 分

经联盟评测,雅思成绩最低达到 4.5 即可入学



带薪实习机会(9 个月课堂学习+2 个半月实习工作)

小班授课 + 体验机会多

BC 省学费最低


加拿大:提供 3 次工作机会


